NUTECH ENGINEERING LTD is a company that is registered on 26.08.2002 in Sofia City Court on company case №7371 / 2002 according to the current legislation of Bulgaria. The address of registration and management of the company: Sofia, 1715, Mladost, Blvd. “Alexander Malinov” 89, EIC: 130967927, VAT registration: BG130967927.
The company employs highly qualified specialists. NUTECH ENGINEERING LTD has approved business relations with such well-known companies in the field of atomic energy: WESTINGHOUSE ENERGY SISTEMS LLC, Joint Stock Company “All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plants Operation” (OJSC VNIIAES), OKB “GIDROPRESS”, аs well as with companies recognized on the Bulgarian market: ENERKOM Ltd, ATP-ATOMTOPLOPROEKT Ltd, QUANTUM ENGINEERING LTD., etc.
The company's portfolio includes a wide range of services and competencies.
Researching, consultancy and engineering activities and transfer of knowhow in the field of nuclear, conventional energy, including and related to the electricity networks of high and low voltage and heating
Mediation and agency activity of local and foreign physical and legal entities in the country and abroad in the field of activities related to the nuclear, conventional energy and heating
Design, manufacture, delivery, commissioning and administration of the control systems
Control and diagnostics of processes in the field of nuclear, conventional energy, including electric distribution networks of high and low voltage and heating
Expertise, analysis and justification of reliability and safety in the field of nuclear energy, including the final decommissioning of facilities
Trade activity in the field of energetics, transfer of electrical energy, and any other trading activity which is not prohibited by law.